Friday, October 29, 2010

Tomorrow's The Day!

I apologise in advance for anyone (is that everyone but me?) completely bored with my posts about the countdown and preparation for Craft 2.0...but I'm really excited as well as completely consumed with thoughts about it! Never fear, I have a few posts in my head non-related that I'll type up next week sometime.

The last week sure has been busy. Last weekend we were in Wanga's for a friend's wedding - where I caught up with fellow Coco Kiddian Kate, who passed on her stash of knitting for the stall too (see here for her post). This week Ali and I met up and organised the stall and any other details - she's been busy knitting/creating/sewing some wonderful items too - see her blog here for what she's been up to too.

Anyway - Coco Kids' first stall at Craft 2.0 is tomorrow...and yesterday I managed to take a photo of what I've been working on for it.
Never fear mums of boys - although the table looks very pink and girly, there are definitely plenty of items for boys.

Last night was labelling night - and I had underestimated just how long it would take to get everything labelled - but it's done and they're all ready to be set up on our stall tonight in preparation for tomorrow.

Talk about a family affair too, while I was labelling, hubby was oiling the swifts he's made - so today they'll be packaged and labelled and then I think that's almost it! Phew!


  1. wholey crap thats impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! welldone you guys!!!!
    i really wish i could be there :( but having been away last weekend i just couldnt :(

  2. Good luck tomorrow, but most of all have fun!

  3. WOW! That looks amazing, have you worn out your needles? Gorgeous stuff, can't wait to come and have a proper nosey and check out a couple of things I have my eye on ;-)

  4. Looks great Julia! I wish I could have done more.

  5. Good luck for tomorrow - see you there! :)

  6. Can't wait to hear how it's all gone! That's an amazing amount of work Julia! Looks fantastic!
