Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My name is Julia and I am an addict

This post seems vaguely familiar. So I've probably written about this before. I like yarn. No, I've had unhealthy addictions to buying yarn in the past. Right now, my bank balance and the lack of space for more yarn in my stash is preventing me from adding anymore (though there was some organic DK merino screaming at me to purchase it a week or so ago here along with some peachy elan at Skeinz last week...but I resisted after carting it and closing the window)

I was just saying to someone earlier this week that I started writing and selling patterns to fund my habit. Actually, that wasn't quite true. Before the writing patterns, I was a custom knitter, working long hours each evening on items for other yarn lovers without the time or inclination so that I could earn my few $ per hour to buy more yarn.

One of my biggest problems these days when it comes to yarn (besides now finding the space to house it as I knit fast...but I purchase more yarn than my fingers can keep up with) is WHO to buy yarn from! There are such a lot of amazing dyers out there now. I can quickly count off the top of my fingers 5 friends with yarn dyeing/selling businesses! Tricky! And dangerous for bank balances.

So I thought I'd do a series of blog entries soon about them and the lovely dye jobs and FOs that have resulted from them.

And whilst I'm is a photo of my stash. Eeeek.

But it can't be that much yarn really if I can fit it all into this picture right? And some of them I've had and admired for years, but just don't know what I can make out of them these days, it's a little nerve wracking thinking about casting on a few of them. So those ones may be destined to be admired in the skein forever more.


  1. Hmmmm that seems quite serious.........

    1. Funny mum! There are actually people with waaaaaay more than me, but mine is bigger than I'm comfortable wth. I've bought very little this year though. A lot was purchased when I started custom knitting ad when skeinz opened, little did I realise that I'd need to buy specific yarn for a lot of it!

    2. I'm glad no one took stock of my fabric cupboard back in the day, in P Rd!!

  2. what a beautiful collection you have. I don't think there is too much there but then I'm probably not one of the best people to ask!

    If it's not putting you into debt and it's making you happy then why worry about it ;-)

    Looking forward to seeing your blog posts

    1. Thanks, not putting me into debt, though I am considering selling some (when I can decide which!) when we go to do renovations on our house next year. I used to buy books! I haven't bought one for ages and love the public library here. I've just swapped buying one thing for another since having kids.

  3. You do know where I live aye?? feel free to donate to the sad Sarah Stash anytime! ;)

  4. Looks like birthday/Christmas presents for any knitting friends/family all sorted!

  5. WOW that's a pretty impressive looking stash Julia.

  6. I should delete this post. I should've kept my dirty dark secret to myself lol.

    Remember, I'm an addict. I can't help myself. It could be worse. I could gamble or smoke or spend all the family's bill money on booze :)
