Friday, October 12, 2012

Coming to an end

We're nearing the end of the school holidays here in New Zealand and it feels about right. I'm almost ready to start back at my full time job of taxi driving, lunchbox making, shoe know, all joys that come with dropping some of your children off to school and kindy. I can't wait to be able to have some quiet time again when I am able to walk my #3 in a stroller and have no one talking. Roll on Monday!

Thanks to all the lovely yarnalong visitors that popped by or commented on my post. I have every intention of visiting every blog in yarnalong...though for me, surfing the internet and knitting/pattern designing don't go too well together. Time spent too long on one thing leaves less time for the other!

Anyway, back to what the kids are up to these holidays. This was part two of the seed planting last Friday. Actually, the seeds we planted a week ago have started to sprout already. It's a little exciting for the kids to watch, and I've had to move them to save them being picked and prodded too much by my littlest child.

Watering The Garden

And the last one
Wait a minute, let's just zoom in on that?
Can you see where that's going? Again, I don't have a 'what happened next' pic, but let's just say, there was some spraying, some crying (not by me!), some yelling (ok, that might've been me), the hose turned off and inside for towels and baths.


  1. Totally looking forward to Monday here as well!

    Love the photos - kids with only one hose always ends that way ;)
